Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 21: Lumbini, Nepal - Varanasi, (Benares), India

Early in the morning we reached the Indian border with Nepal. After a mere 5 hours wait we were in India.
Waiting at the Nepa;ese-Indian border
It is where the real traffic started. We spent the rest of the day reaching Varanasi, and we checked in our hotel past 11 pm, an hour ago from this post.
The roads were crazy by day time, really dangerous by nightime. Imagine a one & 1/2 lane where coexist your car, cows in every position, pedestrian, ox-carts, huge trucks, other cars, tricycle-taxis and about every imaginable means of transportation. By night time it is a nightmare. The high beam of the trucks blinds you, you do not see anything for few seconds and you know there are human beings very close to you, walking, sleeping (yes, on the road side), or bicycling. We did not kill anyone, and it is not by lack of trying.
We arrived nervously exausted at our hotel and it is why I do no upload any picture tonight, I will try tomorrow, time permits. (PS: Today I am trying but it takes too long to upload, and I have to go so I am uploading only very few pictures )

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