Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 15: Lhassa

Today, no driving, only taxis at $1 the course. Morning, Thibetan market and the holiest temple for the Bhudist. It is where the pilgrims end their walking journey that may take up to two years.

Large prayer mill

The market, otherwise the old city, is constently patrolled by the army, there are snippers on roofs, it is an eerie atmosphere of a peace time country while controlled by its own occupation army. It is strickly forbidden to take a picture of army personal, the trouble, they are everywhere, so we have to be very prudent.
Small prayer mill
Afternoon visit of the Potala (one of the "World Heritage" site), and home of the exiled Dalai Lama. I thought the palace was empty. Not so, it is one of the most beautiful place I have ever visited. The richess are stunning, gold Budha's, precious stones, paintings etc.. etc.. Visit authorisations are sparsely given and it may not exceed an hour. No picture allowed, so I am not sure of the foccusing quality of the hundred I took from the hip.

The Potala
At night we went back to the Potala to see it lighted. It was magic again, only that sight was worth the trip. From now on everything is bonus.
The Potala at night

Meanwhile our car was getting a face lift. Its frame had been twisted and need to be straighten up and reinforced . The brakes needed a major rework together with other minor repairs. By noon it was done and ready for tomorrow, one of the hardest day in the Himalaya chain with 3 high altitude passes.