Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 20: Kathmandu - Lumbini (Nepal)

One day vacation in Kathmandu, and we took the road again to get close to the Indian border. After an almost eventless ride, if I except a 3 hour stop on the road that was blocked for an unknown reason,
JP & Jerome going down the valley
we arrived with enough day time It was the city of Lambini where the Buddha, named Siddharta Gautama, was bornto see the Ashoka pillar. That is a stone column, engraved in sanskript, that was erected on the 3rd century BC by the king Acoka to mark the place where Buddha was born and the only historical evidence of the existance of Buddha. U-Thant, former general secretary of UN, who was Buddist, dedicated a large piece of land where every Buddist country could built a temple in its own style dedicated to its version of the Buddist faith. The result is a very strange mix of styles that looks like a religious Disneyland without the rides. Bizzare!.
However the pillar is real and ther is a certain emotion that grabs you when you are in its presence.
It is too late and I am too tired to include pictures, I will do it a t a later time.

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