Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 23 Varanasi - Khajuraho

This day was mainly spent driving, the roads are so congested that our average speed is 45 Km an hour, a faster car would not be able to do any better. The sceney is not very interesting, rather flat and not luxurious like what we saw in China and in Nepal. From time to time we may se an old palace or an old temple slowly decaying.
While hesitating for the right direction, we made a U-turn and drove in the wrong lane, we were stopped by a police offcer who asked: Papers!
Me: Papers??, Which papers?
Officer: Papers!
Me: No papers!
Officer: OK, you may go!
Next time I am stopped by a police officer in Texas, I hope I can get away that easy.
Jean-Pierre and Jerome passing a scooter with only 3 passengers (we have seen some up to 5)

The temperature is very hot, 43C (110F) stabilized in the car, outside may be worse, but I am not there.

It is the celebration of the Godess Durga, who slayed a demon while ridding a lion, or the contrary, I am not sure. Anyway, there are tents with the image of the Godess and her 8 arms in every village and a mass of people are worshipping her during 5 consecutive days.
The Godess Durga and her lion

We arrived early at Khajuraho and were able to visit the splendid temples, pretty much intact (at least those still existing, 22 out of 80) that were built in the 9th & 10th century. They were built by a Lord that had a religious deviation and tried to get to the Nirvana through sexual practices. The temples are covered by exquisite sculptures but rather risque. sorry guys, I will not upload specific pictures, otherwise my blog could be rated XXX.
Sample of sculptures (decent one) covering the Temples

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